Hello, General Kenobii! In the last 90 days, 795 files have been modified, for 3105 insertions and 9135 deletions (dataset cleanup for fuzzers), in just 97 commits (I’m reworking the very last one, more on that soon). # Did someone say… macros? Macros come in handy for improving syntax and creating DSLs like the one used for testing: 1 2 3 4 5 6 (test:suite list { (test:case "append and return a new list" { (test:eq (append a 4) [1 2 3 4]) (test:eq a [1 2 3]) (test:eq (append a a) [1 2 3 [1 2 3]]) (test:eq a [1 2 3]) })}) Except that, as test:suite, test:case and test:eq (and derivatives) are macros, all their arguments are evaluated (if possible) by the macro processor.
I’ve started putting the (long) forum posts I make about ArkScript on my blog, so that more people can follow the development. I must say I like the look of it, that’s also helping me getting back into blogging!