The SC02 is a not so interesting lipo powered rechargeable light, around 2x the size of the Rovyvon A5x which has higher specs all around. I got it because it was super cheap (on promo, and tipped my Sofirn order to the free-shipping threshold, giving further effective discount). I don’t recommend it though I won’t call it terrible. 1lumens’ review is pretty accurate:

Holding it reminded me of the venerable Tekna Splash-lite, a classic 1x CR123A backpacking/diving/survival light that goes back to the 1980s or earlier, when it used a #222 screwbase penlight bulb of around 3 lumens. Current versions use LEDs and you can still get them. I wouldn’t spend $30 on one today, but it is still a functional minimalistic light. I have the one in the pic (older ~10 lumen LED, received as a gift) and an incandescent one in clear plastic (bought from a CPF member in maybe 2005). I tested the black one when I took the pic and it lights up fine despite the 10+ year old battery.

It was a nice reminder! I hope you liked the pic and the walk into history. Pic background is 5mm grid paper if you care.