I think they’re shocked when people don’t believe the shit they’re trying to peddle. Trump more so because he thinks he’s the best salesman.
I think they’re shocked when people don’t believe the shit they’re trying to peddle. Trump more so because he thinks he’s the best salesman.
It’s kinda like this. Say you lead the most boring, law abiding, square life, top 20% of the bell curve in that zone.
Would you want strangers in your house, even if they couldn’t technically touch or take anything? Would you want them in your spouse’s closet? Your kid’s room? Looking in your fridge?
Creepy and “hell no”, right?
That’s what privacy is about. The right to lock your door against strangers snooping.
Homestead Rescue is cool. That’s about it.
The last time I had cable was the year of 9/11. And that was only because I plugged in a stray cable on a whim and found that my upstairs apartment tapped into the the cable from the downstairs apartment.
Honestly, with internet, I never saw the point. And internet only cost $10-25/mo back then. Ofc, by about 2012 or so they became wise to that being the trend and started jacking the internet bill rates. And now internet costs the same as cable used to cost, or more, depending.
But I don’t think anyone ever did a GenX is Killing Cable TV headline.
It’s the only thing they’ve got, to explain conservative losses. Distracts from the perpetual popular vote losses.
One of the many definitions “Asshole” is applied to.
Just link off of the megathread if you have issues. As usual, subtitles are borked, but that’s it working as it usually does.
Working in corrections requires NDA signatures. You’re not going to get much.
Edit: referencing The States
The system is set up such that if you lose your job you lose your health insurance, for you and your children.
And if you miss a paycheck you’re toast. Probable eviction notice in the future. Paycheck to paycheck living is real, even more so in the post 2020 world.
They are the necessary mental respite between the headlines and bullshit. Working as intended.
People are already annoyed at base that they need any 2FA at all and don’t want to deal with more info. They just tune out.
I’m not in IT but I followed the Michael Bazzell podcast until he disappeared. Guy was a bit paranoid but there was great info there. My understanding was browser saving passwords isn’t secure, that those passwords are open to scraping from bad players. Ofc I can’t reference this because the entire body of over 300 podcasts disappeared with him.
Agree on Bitwarden and such.
Better rested and cared for workers.
Isn’t Bethesda unionized now? Curious to see the diff in the next release.
My elderly parent had this happen. Hobby is photography. Still used CS5. Boom, gone. Adobe wanted to sell a subscription plan when they called to figure out what happened, which just made them mad.
But now they’re sad and not engaging their hobby because they no longer have CS5.
Too bad I can’t get adobe on abuse of the elderly for this shit.
You forgot the part where it allows you to have a normal bowel movement without straining. It’s the path to hemorrhoid reduction, possibly annihilation.
We did get 7 computers back by 1am last night just by constantly rebooting.
That said, 40 out of 47 never came back. So clearly something more is needed.
Escapism, man. It’s on the up. Gaming is just that.
WIRE or Signal. Granted, convincing your people to move with you is like trying to get an act of Congress in play.