• Buddahriffic@lemmy.world
    12 days ago

    First thing I (another Canadian) noticed when we switched from the car to a shuttle to the airport (crossed the border by car to take a flight to Florida) was that there were multiple people on that shuttle that were at least as big as the most obese person I’d ever seen in person up to that point.

    Even though our cultures overlap quite a bit, there’s something different in that aspect.

    • AwkwardLookMonkeyPuppet@lemmy.world
      12 days ago

      The obesity epidemic really depends on where you are. I don’t see any fat people where I live now, but they were absolutely everywhere in the city I lived in before.

      • Buddahriffic@lemmy.world
        12 days ago

        This was in Detroit. It wasn’t as noticable in Florida, or on separate trips to California. Like I’m sure I saw some pretty obese people in those locations (as I do in various places in Canada), but it wasn’t to the point where my mind made specific note of it for me to remember over a decade later.

        • AwkwardLookMonkeyPuppet@lemmy.world
          12 days ago

          Central California has tons of fat people, especially at places like Walmart. They all seem to congregate there. But then places like Huntington Beach, San Diego, and San Francisco, have almost no fat people. I think the better the socioeconomic situation is, and the more accessible walking is, the less likely people are to be overweight in an area.

          • Buddahriffic@lemmy.world
            12 days ago

            Yeah, I was in SF and then LA and spent the free days of the LA trip hiking Hollywood Hills and visiting six flags, which probably skews more towards people fit enough to hike or fit in rollercoaster seats.

            I also visited a market near the hotel that had prices low enough that my assumption at the time was it had to be mostly stolen and got a great duffel bag for like a quarter of what I’d expect to pay for that back home.

            • AwkwardLookMonkeyPuppet@lemmy.world
              12 days ago

              Amusement parks tend to bring some pretty hefty people off the couches. The Hollywood Hills are usually pretty healthy. What did you think of SF and L.A.? SF used to be my favorite city in the world. That was twenty years ago though. I’ve heard that it is in serious decline now. Some parts of Hollywood can be cool to visit, but L.A. in general is completely overwhelming to me. I want to get the fuck out after 2-3 days. To be fair to L.A., I have the same reaction to NYC. I think they’re really neat and amazing for a day or two and then I just want to escape and get away from the oppressive concrete jungle.

              • Buddahriffic@lemmy.world
                12 days ago

                I was only in SF for one day and had an event most of that day, unfortunately, so I didn’t get to see much of the city. I think I saw the golden gate bridge from the plane. The hotel they put me in was nice, though, most comfortable bed I’ve ever slept in.

                LA was hot and the traffic was pretty crazy. I was there for about a week for siggraph with work. Santa Monica was nice, it was cool seeing the Hollywood sign in person, and I do remember looking back at the city and seeing all the haze.

                Six flags had rollercoasters that lasted longer than the longest one at Canada’s Wonderland (at least at the time, their 3 newest ones are a bit more comparable). I won a giant Scooby Doo stuffy because they had a game where I figured out the trick to it on my first play and returned later to upgrade my small Scooby-Doo to the large one (and bought the bag for the plane trip). The stuffy was pretty cheaply made though, so they might have still made money from the two plays I paid for lol.

                Other bits and pieces I remember are the different vegetation they had (my first time seeing palm trees) and noticing the barbed wire on a bunch of flat roofs. Also it was weird to see commercials for prescription drugs.

                Oh yeah, I almost forgot one of the highlights of the trip, going to Fry’s during it’s heyday. I was buying my own hardware at that time but it was the first time I saw an aisle of motherboards where you could actually see the boards on display. I think we ended up going there twice, once for cables we forgot to pack for our booth, then later for our own shopping trip.

                • AwkwardLookMonkeyPuppet@lemmy.world
                  11 days ago

                  Ah, it’s too bad you didn’t get to see more of SF. The city itself is neat because it’s built on top of landfill, has tons of hills, good public transportation, and embraces weirdness. The areas surrounding the city are the real gem though. The view from the top of Twin Peaks where you can see the whole bay, the land across the golden gate, all of SF, and the Pacific Ocean, is stunning enough that it caused the Brit who was with me to declare that it’s enough to make one believe in God.

                  Man, I miss Fry’s! I was fortunate enough to visit that L.A. Fry’s in its heyday too! That place was heaven for a computer nerd such as myself. I was so stoked when we moved to the Seattle area and discovered there was a Fry’s in Renton (near Seattle). Both my wife and I were extremely bummed when covid killed Fry’s. They were already in decline, but covid really finished them off.

                  Anyways, the USA definitely has some beautiful and amazing places. I’ve only been to B.C. and Victoria in Canada, but I love it there too. I always feel like we’re so crass and aggressive whenever I come back across the border from a Canada trip. You guys are all so friendly up there, and I love it. It’s a beautiful country too.

      • Buddahriffic@lemmy.world
        12 days ago

        In Canada or the US? At least where I am, the Walmart shopping population doesn’t seem that different from the general pop, though I generally avoid going there so maybe I’m just not looking enough.

        Disclaimer that I am aware of the people of Walmart meme, but kinda assumed that it was more of a “Walmart is popular therefore you’ll run in to people who live at the extremes” than a “Walmart uniquely attracts those who live at the extremes”.

    • RupeThereItIs@lemmy.world
      11 days ago

      Where are you crossing? Around here the population on both sides of the border are pretty indistinguishable, except for accent.

      • Buddahriffic@lemmy.world
        11 days ago

        I forget which crossing it was exactly. Might have been Windsor or might have been farther north. We drove several hours before switching to the shuttle in any case and didn’t get out to look around on the Canadian side of the crossing.

        It could have been a biased sample. I mean, for all I know, one very obese family just happened to get on that same shuttle rather than it being a random sampling of what people were like in that area. Hell, they could have even driven several hours to get there themselves and thus didn’t represent the local population at all.

        Could have been bias confirmation rather than culture shock.