• stephenc@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Update to what? Nintendo can release any game it wants and release it on one of the most popular consoles ever, and they want to get rid of this? They want to make a new console? Updating technology made sense back in the old days when things were moving quickly, but now? What are you going to do, make everything look slightly better?

    Get over it. Technology isn’t going to advance that much more. Put a holding pattern on your hardware and ride it out for years to come. Just because Sony and Microsoft want to throw out yet another version of their barely updated hardware console and PC users decide that yet another overpriced, overpowered, overheating card is absolutely necessary doesn’t mean it makes any sense. Nintendo has the opportunity to grow a brand here and gain trust by allowing their hardware to become a standard. Lower its price. Retool its design. The portable Switch thing was a good idea. Just don’t change your actual system and allow games to be released for a single system for a good long while for once in console history.

    All they’re doing now is getting ready to bring out another fucking WiiU that no one cares about after the phenomenal success of the Wii.

    This is why PC is always superior. Not because of graphics. Because there is a consistency, and flexibility. People always believe that PC gaming is better because “oh, PC gamers buy $3000 PCs and play games on ultramegasuperhigh resolution”. Bullshit. It’s because we can play all the PC games, ever, and have the flexibility to play exactly what we want and not be forced into playing only what a company allows us to play.

    Nintendo should stick with the Switch, or push moving to PC gaming. Enough of this constant pointless console treadmill updating.

  • deejay4am@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Nintendo will probably start talking about its new hardware over the summer, or by autumn at the latest.

    (If my information is accurate) Didn’t Nintendo say on an investor call that they wouldn’t be announcing any new hardware until at least Q1 2024? So, by fiscal year that would be April of 2024 correct?

    • OmniGlitcher@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      Small caveat, they specified “releasing” rather than “announcing”. Otherwise yes, the 1st of April 2024 is supposedly the earliest we could see something released, assuming Nintendo didn’t lie to their investors or nothing got muddled up in translation.

      I suppose this does leave room for an announcement pre-2024/4/1, but I wouldn’t count on it personally.

    • Fondots@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      I have a theory that the intended to do it in 2020-/2021, but COVID chip shortages and such threw a wrench into their plans, they already had their hands on the OLED panels they planned to use for them, but couldn’t get whatever they needed for the rest of the upgrade, so they came out with the OLED to use them up because they decided by the time things normalized and they could ramp up production on the refresh it would’ve been to late in the switch lifecycle to be worth it since they were already kind of pushing it to begin with.