Make sure it’s not too general, please!

I love seeing movies where an apartment/house previously seen as inhabited turns out to look completely different without the implication of someone freshly moving out or be completely abadonned for too long to had looked like this at the time of previous insepction.

Movie I know of where it has happened

They Cloned Tyrone had this happen and I loved it so much.

I think I remember seeing this trope at least twice in some horror movies, but I don’t remember their titles. It always gets my attention.

    1 year ago

    Movies where there’s a prolonged feeling of spiraling and being helpless as things around you fall apart before your eyes. Mother, The Fall, and The Father all at least had moments of this.

    They’re great movies I’d highly recommend and it can be a bit hard to explain the scenes especially without spoilers and a general plot summary so I’ll leave it at that.

    It’s more than the horror movie trope of accidentally killing someone and it feels deeper in a way and more attention grabbing.