I’m looking for a good on the eyes font that suport a feel special characters like ç, ã and í. It also need to have a easy difference between 0/O and I/l. Sorry if this is not the best place to ask this.
Edit: thank you everyone for the answers, i will use fira code on my terminal and intel one mono on my text editor.
I like Microsoft’s Cascadia Code:
It’s pretty playful (surprisingly close to those Comic Sans Coding remakes), but I find that makes code more pleasant to look at.
I’ve used this one before, but i don’t really like how the zero looks like, i prefer with a “/” inside, but thank you
Look like you can enable slashed zero via stylistic set in cascadia code
In that case i will try it out again
Delugia Code. Which is just Cascadia Code merged with Nerd Fonts. Useful for terminals. One could also just get the Nerd font patched with Cascadia Code, they are almost the same.
There’s an official version with powerline symbols, that should be the same?
I might be wrong but I thought the official version only had “Powerline with extra symbols”. Not Font Awesome, Material Design Icons, Weather, Devicons, Octicons, Font Logos, Pomicons, or Codeicons?
I have no idea, it had powerline symbols, I’m, curious though, what uses all those extra icons? O.o
Heres a diagram of what the whole nerd-font set contains: https://www.nerdfonts.com/assets/img/sankey-glyphs-combined-diagram.png
I’m using it for my oh-my-posh theme and posh-git. Showing icons for git status and product icon for the remote service (github/bitbucket/azure). There are also themes that uses the weather icons, I’ve seen. And probably a bunch of other uses for someone more creative than me.