This is a bit of an ad, but I swear I don’t sponsor H&I. I just use them a lot. My wife and I bought “bunny ears”/an antenna for our TV when we lived in the Midwest. We also watch H&I on the west coast. Almost every night they play one episode from each popular, live-action, series in order of production: TOS, TNG, DS9, Voyager, Enterprise. The start time depends on your location, but I believe it starts around 7pm Central Time.
It has commercials, but I don’t mind since the shows are “free” over the airwaves. I haven’t tested in the east coast but I bet a lot of the country has some coverage.
Our antenna also has some MacGuyver, Stargate, Baywatch, and some other popular old shows. I just think it’s cool that we can have access to such great shows with a one-time cost (and commercials). It’s also great because it works during internet issues (as a backup if streaming is failing). My wife and I often just left it on in the background while we worked or made dinner!
I used to have an antenna hooked up just to watch Svengoolie on MeTV and live tweet along (then they changed the schedule.)
Being able to switch to Star Trek and just zone out was nice too. Sure I can pick and choose specific ones on streaming, but there’s episodes I’d otherwise not think to revisit which pop up on broadcast.
Sadly I don’t get that broadcast channel where I live, BUT I did discover that has two dedicated Star Trek channels. That app comes built into most smart tvs, is a lot like watching old school broadcast channels, and most importantly, it’s free! (I swear I’m not being paid to advertise, just stumbled on it a while back and it made me happy. It’s like a free Trek marathon running all the time.)
Star Trek (mostly TOS, apparently):
More Star Trek (TNG era thru Voyager):
They also occaisionally get temporary channels with some of the newer shows. I recall Picard was on there not too long ago. SNW season 1 was also on Youtube, not sure if it’s still up or if it was only in the run-up to season 2. Paramount+ also gives out free monthly trial codes like candy – but you have to input a CC and remember to cancel.
SNW s1 was free on YouTube too in the runup to s2 (might still be).