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Keir Starmer has said he is “up for the fight” of defending the “nanny state” as he announced plans to improve child health under a Labour government, including supervised toothbrushing in schools.

The Labour leader said that children were “probably the biggest casualty” of the Tories’ sticking-plaster approach to politics over the past 14 years, adding that, if the government were a parent, they could be charged with neglect.

“I know that we need to take on this question of the nanny state,” he told reporters. “The moment you do anything on child health, people say ‘you’re going down the road of the nanny state.’ We want to have that fight.”

Ahead of a visit to a children’s hospital, Starmer criticised the Tories’ record on child health. “They’re probably the biggest casualty of sticking-plaster politics in the last 14 years,” he said. “Frankly, if parents had treated children as badly as the UK government has, they would probably be charged with neglect. It’s that bad.”

    8 months ago

    My wife - who is only just thirty - had her remaining teeth removed in the last year or so. She’s an outlier because critical meds in childhood caused serious problems, but…

    Like anything else, it’s much easier - and by the by less expensive - to treat early. She absolutely stands by her choice, and after watching her in constant pain over a number of years, I don’t blame her.

    All the education in the world wouldn’t have helped her personally, given the cause, but it will damned sure help many others who just don’t understand the gravity of it at a young age.

    I’m American, grew up solidly middle class and with dental care. Current me would have benefited from this sort of nudge, even if only because I would have figured out sooner just how damned important it is.

    8 months ago

    As they say “You can lead a horse to water but you can’t force it to drink.” The biggest factor is the behavior at home and the parents.

    8 months ago

    This is absolutely essential. So many adults that I know brush their teeth wrong.

    1. No, don’t brush your teeth too hard. Your teeth aren’t supposed to be whitey-white-white. Brushing teeth too hard will cause enamel loss. That’s stuff that u can’t get back once lost completely.
    2. No, don’t wash your mouth with water after brushing for at least 10 minutes. In a nutshell, fluoride keeps you from getting cavities. But it needs to be present in your saliva for your teeth to use it for remineralisation. Of course, don’t use too much toothpaste or you might poison yourself.
      8 months ago

      I completely agree with you. Kids go to school to learn and this is a great example of low cost, high reward. It will pay for itself 1000x over. It’s a good move and is the type of thing that should be encouraged from politicians actual meaningful improvement of society.

      I gave up on the world when I realised how many people can’t tie their shoe laces.

      I couldn’t possibly imagine that there are more than 1 adult in 100 that couldn’t tie shoe laces and that’s at a push. I would have guessed a much lower level than that.

      But now that I know people can’t tie their shoe laces I notice it all the time. The worst is that people don’t even know it. They swear right to your face they know how to tie shoe laces and they don’t. Then I try telling them and they don’t see the issue. So I was like fuck this, the amount of stupid and ignorance in the world is actually off the charts. If we can’t do basic things right what hope do we have?

      A shoelace knot is a reef knot that has an extra bow. Doubled is optional and really you’re mad for not doing it. But that’s not really the issue, the amount of people that do a granny knot is somewhere between 40% and 20% by my exceptionally rough estimate.

      You can tell when people fuck it up because the “ears” on the knot go perpendicular rather than parallel to the laces.

      Heres the most basic form of a shoelace knot.