A team headed by Professor Mingxin Huang from the University of Hong Kong's Department of Mechanical Engineering has achieved a significant advancement in the field of stainless steel. This recent innovation focuses on the development of stainless steel designed for hydrogen applications, known as S
Yay, now we can drain all the water from our overheated planet!
Yay, now we can use electrolysis on sea water to recombine and create fresh water easier!
Why is the solution to our problems always to tap into yet another finite resource? Can we not just stop buying shit we don’t need? Is it that hard to stop growing crops where they don’t belong? How about we stop paving over all our watersheds? Why’s the solution have to be “just start sucking it out of the ocean?”
Bro, what do you think happens to the water after it’s used?
Where do you think it drains to?
Calm down, joke police.