Once you hit middle school, the pressure to “fit in” hits. Naturally, this includes games now.

  • stardust@lemmy.ca
    8 months ago

    I think most interesting thing about this discussion thread is that some of the trends back then are talked about like it was in the past. But, stuff like clothing, using allowance for candy or at worst cigarettes, etc is still something that all kids are still undergoing. It’s just the same stuff older people went through, but with social media and increased digital engagement and public exposure on top of that. So doesn’t seem like much has changed, but that now there is even more stuff than before to also juggle.

    • ninjan@lemmy.mildgrim.com
      8 months ago

      I’d argue that so far the load as it is, is from my outside perspective about the same as what I had. It’s just split over more stuff and what pressure you face is much more related to the crowd you interact with. My son, like me, is more of a nerd while having a theater side that I don’t. The pressure he faces is keeping up with YouTube trends, Roblox games and Minecraft mods that the creators that are popular play. While some of his friends flaunt in-game items and follow creators that do content that I personally don’t find child appropriate I have had no issues so far talking about that with him and setting limits on what he’s allowed to interact with and have managed to instill understanding about the ultimate pointlessness about avatar items. And given the vast sea of content there is there has been no issues finding appropriate content and he’s confident enough to bring what he found/enjoyed to the group and not just mindlessly follow.

      It helps that he really hates loot boxes IRL, like say kindereggs and gumball machines. He finds no enjoyment in the surprise part, only disappointment when it’s not the one he wanted.

      That said I understand that while I put in work as a parent the exact same amount of work might be woefully inadequate with another kid, due to no fault at all on the parenting. Hell I have three kids and they all have had vastly different challenges. Stuff that was easy with one took extreme effort with another. So I don’t really fault parents for the small stuff, if a kid watches one YouTuber that really isn’t age appropriate, OK. If they watch only stuff that is not at all for kids then I have an issue with that and have raised such concerns with them.

      • stardust@lemmy.ca
        8 months ago

        I think the one huge difference is that things are much more public and permanent than in the past. And sometimes people don’t realize the consequences of what they share until it is far too late. Long time ago stupid things stayed in people’s memories and now it can be digitized for record keeping. And social media makes it seem like somethings follow you home when in the past problems might just be at school, but now the issues and attention can continue online.

        • ninjan@lemmy.mildgrim.com
          8 months ago

          For sure, as I outlined social media is a completely different beast and one I do not permit my son to interact with and will hold out for as long as is reasonable.