What is in your opinion the better matrix server software for self-hosting, Construct, Conduit or Dendrite (or even something completely different)?
For me it’s ejabberd, I gave up on Matrix, it was too stressful and expe/ansive to sysadmin.
Synapse runs absolutely fine for me. But im only hosting for a few users
So far, Conduit is the only answer for me, since I don’t own any quantum supercomputers.
I got a 4 CPU / 24Gb RAM Ubuntu 22.04 ARM VPS running on Oracle’s “always free” tier. The Synapse and Postgres containers are using about 2% CPU and 1.2Gb of RAM combined. If your strapped for resources, check them out.
I’ve just deployed a Synapse container to work with matrix/Element, only because that’s what the guide I was using suggested. Is there any benefit to switching?
I’m still running Synapse. Could I migrate this to Dendrite or others? Or would I have to just re-install and lose all messages…
There is no migration and you can not use the same (sub)domain for dendrite you use for synapse. It breaks the federation. If you use matrix.domain.com for synapse, you need to use another domain for dendrite.