Our story begins an awfully long time ago in a strange and far-off land. Experience the grand adventure and thrilling battles when the Paper Mario: The Thous...
The OG paper Mario was good. It combined elements from various jrpgs and other Mario titles at the time like Mario Luigi Superstar Saga. When the sequel came out, it delivered on all the hype and beyond. It’s cheeky. Fun. And actually quite long. It expanded on the elements of turn based combat, made twists and generally improved on every single aspect of the original. Then the third game came out, it was mediocre and didn’t live up to any expectations.
This game is a remake of the second game, so it’s exciting to see that there’s still hope for the paper Mario side of Nintendo.
All this to say, thousand year door is a point of nostalgia for a lot of people born in the 90s and early 2000s
ive only competed it once but, its well worth replaying. dont get me started in chapter 5 where you need to press A 100 times just to advance the story.
The OG paper Mario was good. It combined elements from various jrpgs and other Mario titles at the time like Mario Luigi Superstar Saga. When the sequel came out, it delivered on all the hype and beyond. It’s cheeky. Fun. And actually quite long. It expanded on the elements of turn based combat, made twists and generally improved on every single aspect of the original. Then the third game came out, it was mediocre and didn’t live up to any expectations.
This game is a remake of the second game, so it’s exciting to see that there’s still hope for the paper Mario side of Nintendo.
All this to say, thousand year door is a point of nostalgia for a lot of people born in the 90s and early 2000s
ive only competed it once but, its well worth replaying. dont get me started in chapter 5 where you need to press A 100 times just to advance the story.
IMHO, ttyd is the best paper mario. I’ve been looking forward to this remake for quite sometime.