Larian is having trouble fitting Baldur’s Gate III on the Xbox Series S, the lower-priced and lower-powered console in Microsoft’s ninth-generation lineup.

I was looking up more information on why there’s such an issue getting BG3 on Xbox, and found this article with a lot more detail on the topic.

EDIT: The issue isn’t graphics or frame rate; it’s memory. The article goes into detail.

    • Jordan
      1 year ago

      It’s not that it’s unoptimized, it’s that running split screen requires 2x resources, resources the Series S does not have.

      1 year ago

      if you have X amount of work to do, you can’t just “add optimization” and somehow you’ll have less work to do.

      if a game needs all the resources, then a well optimized game would still require all resources. but the unoptimized one would just not run properly.

      optimized means “it uses the hardware efficiently”. bg3 is a very well optimized game. it uses the hardware efficiently, and it uses all of the hardware. at a particular point, the only optimization left to do, is to do less work, i.e. to cut content.

      optimization isn’t some magic sauce you add to computer code to make it run faster. optimization is about writing good, performant code. at some point it’s going to get as good as it can get.

      the reason it needs higher specs than previous games is that it is doing a lot more than previous games. there is more work to do. what you’re saying is akin to “this tiny car can do 100mph. why doesn’t mine also do 100 mph when i stuff it full of bricks?” well, it’s because it has a lot more weight to carry, obviously