In my early 20s, I got tinnitus even though in the rare occasion I’m around loud noises I wear hearing protection.

In my mid-late 20s, my vision got worse after never needing glasses and my knees starting creaking with occasional pain. I now need some more involved dental work even though I brush and floss regularly.

I’ve lived a predominantly outdoor, active lifestyle the last several years, so I should be quite well off health-wise, but it still feels like I’m aging faster than I should be. wtf?

    1 year ago

    My body started falling apart in my 30s. It took a radical diet change to discover I have major issues with gluten. It cleared up so many problems I had. A little while later I discovered I don’t process alcohol well and it had a cumulative effect. Once I cut that out things got much better again.

    I guess what I’m saying is, consider your diet. I used to make fun of gluten free people. I’m not laughing anymore.

    1 year ago

    What’s your diet like? Are you eating a variety of leafy green vegetables? If not, add that to your daily food intake. You don’t even really need to change anything else if you don’t want to. But eating a variety of dark leafy greens will help your mitochondria, the powerhouse of your cells. Foods that help your gut are also imports, so sauerkraut, kimchi, yogurt etc. fermented foods.

    I add them to pretty much any of my foods, even when I am eating junk. Kimchi on pizza is one of my favorite combinations. It’s really good. I’ll cut up arugula and add it to my nachos. I add dark leafy greens to all my burritos, whatever else.

    With any new diet change, start small and slow. So, if you barely eat dark leafy greens, start with spinach and add a bit of kale or arugula every couple of days. Same with yogurts and kimchi’s and stuff. Eat small amounts to begin with. Your body needs to adjust to the new foods. Eating too much too soon can cause discomfort.

    I’m 37 I feel much better than I did in my 20’s but I have completely transformed my diet from mainstream processed foods to vegetable laden, especially dark leafy greens. I also do stretching exercises 1-3 times a week. Keeps me limber, and its relaxing, vs working out which is tiring. ( I work out too, but it’s the stretching that makes me feel better!)

    1 year ago

    Kind of, but not fully. It’s more like I’m aware that the reality is I have to start being careful even if I’m still considered “young”, more like don’t do any stupid shit

    I swear, since the day I turned 28, anytime I stand in 1 spot for more than 30 seconds where I lock one of my knees, if I then adjust or move, I get fuckin rice crispy knees LOL

    I had my gallbladder out in my late 20s, but that’s more caused by gaining 50 lbs in college and then losing 20 lol

    Other than that, that’s basically it so far, thankfully. I don’t really have back pain or other stuff. I have a sedentary job (I’m in IT) where I sit at a desk almost the entire work day (we do 1 walk), but I also can take a 1.5 hr break if I go to the gym instead of 1h, so I do that instead, which helps my health. I’m trying to do tennis on Tues and Thursdays as well

    1 year ago

    I’m doing all right myself, but I can’t say the same for my girlfriend. Headaches, tummyaches, backaches, or whatever random thing it is today, there’s always something. She’s a few years older than me so I guess I have something to look forward to lol.