Like, do they not worry about people just editing everything and inserting porn or something? I doubt that they were smart enough to use branch protection. To be fair, when you’re sending a mass spam campaign, you already don’t worry about your reputation anyway lol
(The attached images: part 1: @QuantEssential-io has invited you to collaborate on the QuantEssential-io/Quant-Interview-Prep-2024 repository part 2: GitHub 404 showing the entire organization has been banned)
I once had a spambot @ me and like 100 other people I didn’t know on a repo I’d never touched before.
I reported it for spam and got an email from Github Support within an hour notifying me that they had taken action.
I remember that time some guy pinged nearly 40k people and single-handedly delayed GitHub’s email servers by about 4.18 hours
Your Markdown link is backwards. It should be [link text]/(url) (delete the slash obvs)
aaaaargh I don’t want get old 😭
Oh hey, it recently happened to me too.