Could be a painting, a story, a movie, woodworking, absolutely anything. Also why?

    3 months ago

    Apologies for the wait!

    Most good libraries for interacting with DBs and Excel documents are written for the backend, so you’ll probably want to use Node with a simple web server like Express to serve pages, and do your heavy calculations, report generation, and DB stuff on the Node server. Making a server seems complex but Express is quite easy-- you can get a functional web server in like 10 lines of code.

    As for what framework would be good to use for the actual calculations, unfortunately I don’t have any recommendations. Generally I find that JS has enough by default to do decently complex grouping, summarizing, subsetting, calculating, etc. operations. You’ll probably want to use the “new” (now pretty old) array methods Map and Reduce, and new stuff like groupBy could be helpful. If you have any specific questions I should be able to answer them.