I can’t even afford taking care of myself but if I have kid, I would adopt instead of “making my own kid”. Why not this is not popular? These kids already came to this shithole (world) and we’re just ignoring them.
I know the answer actually, we’re just slave to our instincts…
You ignoring the fact that most of newborn are just mistakes and only few planning to have a kids. Is not popular adopting because isnt also actually planning parenthood, never was from beginning of human history.
Never was? Is this what happens in North America? Because in my old country nobody makes kids “randomly/accidentally”… Actually it explains a lot that mentally ill people are increasing, because parents abuse their kids without being aware of.
?? What country is that where unplanned pregnancies don’t exist?
I can assure you…even if it’s seen as taboo in your country, it still happens.