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Joined 25 days ago
Cake day: September 21st, 2024


  • If this is truly something that doesn’t make sense to you, you may want to consider being tested for Autism if you have not already. This phrase is not something neurotypical people struggle with.

    And I say that as someone who is not clinically autistic, but who is real fuckin’ close to it. No judgment, I’m not trying to make you feel bad or anything, it is just an observation.

    I didn’t mean to unleash this torrent of comments on you, sorry.

  • I would do

    class MyClass:
        def __init__(self, value):
            self._whatever = value
        def whatever(self):
            return self._whatever

    Personally, I would type hint all of that but I’m just showing how you can do it without types. Your linter should be smart enough to say “hey dumbass did you mean this other thing”? Also since we didn’t create a setter you can’t arbitrarily overwrite the value of whatever so thats neat.

    And I’ll just say before I post that I’m on mobile and I’m sorry if the formatting is fucked. I’m not going to fix it.

  • The anti-trust cases against google are why this is being brought up again. Google isnt propping up Mozilla out of altruism or a desire to, I dunno, advertise; they’re doing it so that in court they can point at Mozilla and say, “look! Competitors!”. Its the exact same reason Microsoft bailed out Apple in the 00s. Because without Mozilla, Google is unquestionably a monopoly.

    Now, they are anyway. But by keeping Mozilla alive they can pretend in court that they have competitors and that they aren’t engaging in monopolistic practices, which they absolutely are.

    Honestly your comment is kind of why they pay the money. “Google doesn’t have a seat at Mozilla, what’s the big deal?”. The big deal is that Google smothers competition and is pretending in court that they aren’t.