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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • I would call IT and give them error codes and attempted remedies. They would do house calls and leave with a few rip its. Everyone in my office usually had my call IT because they (my coworkers and the IT guys) knew I’d at least tried something. If someone else from the office called IT, they knew that I was out of the office or the user was lying about something.

  • It depends who the Republicans and Democrats are. Republican Voters fell in love - Establishment Republicans fell in line. Republican Officials all talked about how terrible Trump was and would be but still get on their knees when it’s time.

    Democratic Voters fall in love, with Bernie and AOC and their guy. Establishment Democrats tell them to get in line… Well, the Voters either do or don’t show up.

    So, you’re correct that the original subversion was true but it also depends on who any individual commenter references as “The Dems” and “The Repubs” which you can always shift to suit your needs.

    The Republican party pretends they’re wagging the dog but they don’t even have a leash.