• 12 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 12th, 2023


  • I want to say it was Putt-Putt Goes to the Moon, but it very likely was the earliest Math Blaster, or one of the Reader Rabbit point and click adventure games.

    Possibly, it was that Barney game for one of the earliest Macs that came with a giant ball mouse to teach kids how to use a mouse.

    IDK, the first I remember falling in love with was Super Smash Bros. on the N64. It made me desperately want an N64

  • I learned C++ in my first handful of programming classes. The only other languages I learned for other classes included javascript, PHP, and MySQL. I was assigned a project to be written in Java but never learned the details of the language.

    At my current job, the system I work on mostly is all Go, and while I now know Go interfaces are not as novel as I did when I first learned they existed (because I had to learn Go), the mechanisms in Go for interfaces and goroutines just feel so cool to me that I can absolutely envision myself wanting to build anything well-suited for OOP in Go.

    But that would require me to be passionate enough about programming to want to do it more than 40 hours per week lol

  • I got my brother, who is not Linux-savvy, set up playing Clone Hero on his Steam Deck while I was thousands of miles away and it played with no input lag basically out of the box on SteamOS. If you’re looking for a good Guitar Hero experience on Linux with lots of custom songs, Clone Hero is for you.

    If you’re looking for Guitar Hero with characters, venues, and no input lag on Linux I have nothing to suggest. :/

  • Short answer: Realistic

    Long Answer: I think there’s a time and place for both. Idealistic can be very fun and comfortable to fall back on. However, like your typical “Jack Smith, highly-trained and deadly secret government agent” protagonist, there’s way too much idealistic romance in pop culture to the point that I believe it skews how many people expect relationships to work. That’s commonly unhealthy and occasionally dangerous, so I think we need more popular depictions of realistic romance, and by romance I mean all kinds of relationships. ESPECIALLY close, tight-knit non-sexual friendships between men and women.

  • Did you just wake up from a coma that started in 1985?

    CDs are better than vinyl for every reason that MP3s are better than CDs. That’s not news to anyone.

    Vinyl is not “better” by any of the metrics you mentioned, but I prefer it because if I feel like buying a physical medium for the purpose of collecting music, I want my music to actually be physical. I don’t want a collection that boils down to 1s and 0s, I want one that more closely replicates the original source of the music.

    That’s the reason I like vinyl, even if I do listen to digital music far far more.

  • I can appreciate the thought experiment that is coming up with a framework for interplanetary timezones because some people probably enjoy the challenge.

    Simultaneously I posit that it’s ambitious as fuck to assume that humanity is going to get off this rock before we burn it to the ground, or to assume that whoever gets off this rock will have enough people and resources to start a society that can grow while the society on Earth also survives.

    Furthermore, as a software engineer, I say no thank you. Earth and other planets will function off of digital systems that never EVER communicate with each other, and we will be happy that way