How does that work? It takes a second to pick up dog poop. It takes less than a second to utter ‘you’re nominated!’ This is virtually impossible. Unless she was like, picking up shitloads of dog poop?
How does that work? It takes a second to pick up dog poop. It takes less than a second to utter ‘you’re nominated!’ This is virtually impossible. Unless she was like, picking up shitloads of dog poop?
Why sshoudl I care if my spelling is correket when I hate the pipl who speek the langwich.
I learned how to be passionate from Westerners I met on 4chan. All I know about West is 4chan. And Reddit of course. Given these, I despise every Westenrer who exists. No Westerner has EVER done anything positive for me so why care about these vermin.
Btw, Iran gives less than two shits about these militants. US intentionally waited so IRGC advisors would leave, What a fucking shitshow. America realizes it’s in Iran’s trap, it just can’t get out, because Americans can only eat burger and shit it out.
Yeah I guess so. I know this sounds cringe btw but Natalie Wynn used to shitpost her videos on /pol/ in ~2017 and she did so until a lot of people did a face-heel turn. I dislike her immensely.
I am 100% straight but I would tear a hole in Milo Rossi’s twink ass. (Remember chances of that happening is very small, given that I messaged him on the gram to tell him that the ‘Scroll in a Pot’ is still practiced where I live, and he probably thought I’m a kid trying to lead him on but truly, I have seen some very ancient people — and by ancient I mean 70-80 yo, put a scroll in a small pottery pitcher (‘kuzeh’ in Persian) and bury it).
I like Jordan. But I believe 90% of his charm is due to his Australian accent.
I really enjoy that West is crumbling. You guys did dun dirty to us Iranians in the past 10 years, pressuring our economy and crippling it. Now you are experiencing a literal ‘Karma, Bitch!’.
It’s not far-fetched that, once Iran manages to have America fuck off the middle east, it will become the next superpower (for the 5th time over the past 2 millennia I believe and don’t say ‘Persia is not Iran’, you will show how uneducated you are, because Persia is a province in Southern Iran, it’s a Netherlands/Holland situation) and I hope I am alive to see the fall of West. Because you Westerners have been nasty to me, insulted me, been racist against me, etc. You deserve nothing but a nice fall from grace.
Let’s raise our cups to the fall of ‘jorsumeh’ that is the West.
It’s upsetting because it’s a representation of how Yellow Journalism, Tabloids, Paparazzi etc operate in the US. I have the least amount of compasssion ofr Americans, still find this intrusive and I can empathize how annoying it is.