Thanks, I was missing that point of view but I see what you mean.
I guess the way I see it is that, right now, people are enthusiastically joining in, which is still driving a sense of community. I guess I’m not as convinced that, long term, people will be driven to make new communities. I feel like the more likely scenario is that people will grow bored and go back to their normal, everyday posting.
Edit: I do agree the invester point is definitely one I didn’t consider and is definitely a huge factor to all of this. Of course, it goes without saying that it at least signals the turmoil at Reddit and brings more attention to it. Not all press is good press in this case.
Whatever happens, I fully intend to sit back and enjoy watching the drama unfold.
Well, you see, I want to be able to persecute others because that’s, like, the foundation of my religion. But it doesn’t really feel right because I end up feeling like the instigator. So I go out looking for reasons I’m being persecuted against so I can sleep at night after a good long day of playing the victim and retaliatory persecuting others.
And that basically explains masks and the rest of the garbage the right yells about.