It should be much more. A dollar a gallon tax.
It should be much more. A dollar a gallon tax.
Whenever I see an ad telling me how my life could be better if I just bought the next widget, I think of a line from the princess bride:
“Life IS pain. Anybody who tells you otherwise is trying to sell you something.”
Not once.
To discover a never before seen error. I love that feeling
I was banned from fark many years ago, I forget why.
I didn’t exist before, and I still don’t. I have never existed, and I never will.
This is great news. Good for Greece.
The old people of Greece are very conservative, in general.
The young people are generally progressive, but in a way most Americans might not recognize. Much of the youth of Greece align themselves with Russia, because socialism = good (bad logic on many levels).
And by the same token, much of the youth of Greece is fairly anti-usa, since they’re the historical enemy of Russia.
But, I hope this march toward increased tolerance continues.
Someone smarter than me once said, “if your using a service, and it seems free, then YOU are the product being bought and sold”
I don’t think this is always true, but it usually is.
Don’t worry I like you.