• 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • Actually, there are guns in the starwars that fire solid bullets instead of laser bolts. The Tuskens on tattooine use guns like that (the “sand people”)

    A lot of bounty hunters and assassins hired to kill jedi will use them because the bullet will turn molten as the jedi tries to block it and ends up hitting them anyway.

    In-universe guns that fire solid projectiles are called “slug throwers” and as you probably already know, guns that fire laser bolts are called “blasters”

  • I mean, I’m not so sure of how many cops are trash, whatever the real percentage is, it makes them all look bad, “one bad apple spoils the barrel”

    because of the portion of cops that break the law, now the trust in all cops is ruined.

    But I’ve seen a lot of bodycam videos where cops that are about to commit mis-conduct are stopped from doing so by other cops and actually punished for it. Audit the Audit is one channel on youtube that’s very critical of cops that break the law, but he also points out when the one getting arrested is actually in the wrong.