Not immediately throwing my clothes in a wash and showering when I got home like usual. That small mistake resulted in a months long battle with bedbugs. Never again.
Not immediately throwing my clothes in a wash and showering when I got home like usual. That small mistake resulted in a months long battle with bedbugs. Never again.
I regret nothing
Second smallest domino - 2008 Subprime Mortgage Collapse
Some middle domino - “But it’s Nic Cage November. We have to watch a Nic Cage movie. We can watch City of Angels. It has that song you like.”
Second biggest domino - COVID-19 Pandemic
Little domino - “Yeah I can totally play Iris by the Goo Goo Dolls.”
Big domino - “Our second child is finally asleep, but I think they pooped.”
Getting someone a book they didn’t ask for but they end up loving is such a good feeling.
After the murder of Michael Brown, body cams were lauded by centrists as a way to prevent police from unlawfully killing people. And there’s never been a single police shoo- oh wait
The Commonwealth Saga (Pandora’s Star and Judas Unchained) by Peter F. Hamilton would make a great serialized TV drama.
You must be surprised every time you watch a mafia movie.
“Wait just a gosh darn minute! They said they were gonna take care of that guy!”
The Middle by Jimmy Eat World
Animal Bar by Red Hot Chili Peppers