rootkit doing rootkit things
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I have a seedbox (ultra cc). The legally questionable part happens between the seeder and my seedbox IP. I download the files via SSH/SFTP with my blank IP. Since 7 years. No popo yet.
Can you help find Jan Marsalek?
You could ditch the solenoid and use a ATMega32u4 that can act as a HID device to send a keypress signal.
How do you solve the discoverability issue? A platform gives you some place where people could stumble upon you, while a website is an island in the middle of an ocean that people have to actively browse to. Do you crosspost your new work now more to get the word seen by others? I find it hard to believe that people would like to browse to x different websites to see if an artist has new works, only to find out that they don’t. For finding new artist a central place or a feed, like a platform can provide, seems to be nearly impossible to replace.
I’m sorry Lemmy, that I was not there when you were born. But the day I met you, i knew you were my future.
But giving someone at the bare minimum support from the state is apparently setting the wrong incentive. They say free money for doing nothing is communism and makes people lazy while giving a billinaire billlions for doing nothing is late capitalist doublespeak. I hope he suffocates on it.
And yet, people will fall for it again and again
I was not proficient with this topic, so had to look it up: