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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 13th, 2023

    1. Old series that has a decent following of mostly niche dedicated fans is left to sit without a new installment for many years.

    2. New title is announced. It’s sells gang-busters and flips the community on its head.

    3. Corporate Executives prioritize short term profits and begin planning a quick and easy cash grab. !

    4. Second new installment comes out. It is a shell of the previous title with the soul sucked clean out.

    5. Fans are dissapointed and outside of a small niche following the game series falls into obscurity.

    6. Repeat.

    ! we are here right now

    Look… Maybe BG4 will be good. But after watching this exact cycle play out over and over again for the past decade I’m not sure how you can expect anything else.

  • I guess I just went to a really chill college?

    All 4 years of my undergrad my best friend and roommate was a trans woman, we regularly hosted parties where most attendees were members (or even e-board members of) the pride club, i have severe ADHD and many of my closest friends are varying flavors of autistic. As a matter of fact I am still to this day part of a weekly DnD campaign with several of those dick heads.

    All that is to say I have a pretty good idea what my college’s culture was like for LGBT and neuro divergent people. Probably the most common point of conversation whenever high-school came up was that college was so so so much better about bullying.

    I think the only person i know of who got bullied by any stretch of the imagination, was one guy that people just actively avoided because he fucking sucked. Like real piece of shit energy radiating from this guy, and he smelled like 4 year old bottled up farts.

  • I mean yeah but the point is that technological advancement was still a common occurance. Like, yeah a sensationalized article about self driving cars would blow some minds but to most i think it wouldn’t really make any bigger waves then basic cars already were at the time. How can they be blown away by the concept of self driving when the vehicle itself is so new and interesting you know? AI is so abstract that even today most people don’t understand it, 100 years ago it’d just be “another new thing” just like it is today… We are actually less accustomed to ground shaking new inventions so I’d argue that 100 years ago a lot of our modern tech would be less exciting given the regularity in which things were changing then.

    Social upheaval however is ALWAYS a huge deal, especially for the time. Bear in mind that Progressivism is a fairly new ideology in the States. For literally hundreds of years social change came at a snails pace and took serious, concerted effort. Nowadays we are on average much more open to change and accepting of diversity in all it’s forms, but there’s a reason everyone remembers the name Martin Luther King Jr., versus… Ruth Bader Ginsburg I guess?

  • I mean I’m no expert but I do have some knowledge on the subject.

    The difference is how you injest it. Our stomachs are much more resilient than our lungs. Your stomach is, for all intents and purposes, a sac of acid that dissolves mostly anything you put in it, your lungs on the other hand literally only do 1 thing all day and it’s breathe air. There are different qualities of air of course, and microparticles in it that could cause harm, but on the whole it’s more or less all the same.

    Its like dumping garbage into a sink vs. a paper bag. The sink will get disgusting, and you may end up with a clogged drain, messed up pipes, or worse. But at the end of the day if you just clean the mess and don’t do it too often it will probably be fine. The paper bag on the other hand is gonna get Soggy, gross, and start falling apart in your hands. You can dry it out but it will never quite be the same…

  • just to make one of the powers you get later seem more useful

    I want moder power to be useful so fucking bad dude. Last time I played I tried living on a little island that I terraformed into a small fort that rises out of the water, my only way to come or go with ore was by boat and I STILL never used it.

    Despite being in literally the most optimal use case for having it that power just feels so lack luster. It would be wayyyyy better if it was just like a passive effect that made RNG better or half cool down or something. As it is I’d rather just use bonemass or Deer since they are more universally applicable

  • This is where we start getting into the realm of philosophy as it relates to science fiction esq “true” Artificial Intelligence.

    Taking the post at face value these AI persons that populate your individual pocket dimension would be, for all intents and purposes, sentient artificial minds, or at least controlled by 1 central mind.

    So does that AI deserve human rights? Do laws apply to the and interaction had with them? If all they know is humanity then are they also “human”? Is this theoretically infinitely intelligent super computer even capable of truly understanding humanity, emotions, life in all of its facets?

    I fully accept that I am getting too deep into this funny internet post but there have been hundreds upon thousands of books, thought experiments, and debates over this EXACT premise. Short answer is there is no answer. It’s Schrodinger’s morality lol