Yeah same here in NL
Yeah same here in NL
seems like a good spot for the dark matter rap
honest question. Why would you pretend?
Yeah those codecs always get you.
I’ve just become a CAD hobo or squater you could say. There will always be one ““free”” piece of cad software that caters to the casual 3D printer and I’ve just accepted that they will inevitably raise the price and I’ll just have to jump ship again. But, at least I get to keep all the knowledge and that is what counts.
That was a tough read in both ways.
I used to do a ton with Processing and P5. This guy did wonders for my skill and enjoyment a few years ago. I owe him a lot
This has unironnically happened before (sort of)
I just love how retraction watch just doesn’t hold back with statements like this
Loffroy also toned down the offense, saying he wouldn’t care if others had plagiarized his work.
They also just posted his picture on the top of the article.
This worked for me.
I don’t mind paying either, but I think that premium is just a bad deal.
I don’t know much about this CHWTIA. But I do know someone who works at Capgemini, can you tell me why they are considered exploitative? Genuinly curious.
I do see a a fair amountof Chinese researchers publish in Applied Sciences and those are in English. I don’t know about other journals like Nature or the paid journals, but yeah at least some are publishing in English.
not to be a party pooper, but as far as I know the casimir force is essentially the van der waals force. The way I understand it is that the vacuum energy method used to calculate the force on the plates is not correct, however it seems to be an approximation of the underlying driver of this effect which is the van der waals force.
Here is a publications in Physics letter that outlines the idea.
It’s likely a light read for a physicist but a though one for a well read electrical engineer (me) but once again, I’m not a physicist so take it with a grain of salt.
Hmmm I’m more of a guy
Huygens optics is really taking of, love that guy!
I really like Illinois EnergyProf Talks a lot about energy, reactors, turbines, solar you name it
Can’t wait to sell my excess brain power to crypto miners
What does bitwarden have over keepass?