Yea man, that’s totally what I said. @@
Yea man, that’s totally what I said. @@
Han Chinese
You’ll have to forgive people for being cautious when presented with an ethnic supremacist state actively working towards global domination.
Reproduction isn’t a luxury item. It’s a survival need. The only reason that it’s viewed as such in western society is because our economic system is all kinds of screwed up. People have been brainwashed to consider survival, as a society, in terms of our economic systems rather than in terms of the actual people.
I have to admit, I have questions about the impact of spending too much time deep inside machine logic territory.
Should have just said that it already has female dwarfs and refused to elaborate.
Survival of the fittest is survival of those that cooperate
The question nobody ever asks about survival of the fittest is what actually makes someone fit to survive?
I’ve seen a living zombie hoard before, at a dump in Nicaragua where they lived. I was told they got high on sniffing shoe glue, which literally causes the brain to decay while they’re still “alive,” but they just shambled around in a big mob, seemingly aimlessly, with glue smeared under their noses.
Are… you answering your own question, or?
If you happen to enjoy spending your time listening to your so-called team mates actively trying to force a surrender vote because your bot lane got one less minion kill on the first wave than the other team’s mid laner.
You are once again building a flawed model of the dynamic at play here in an attempt to ease the discomfort you feel from encountering something that doesn’t make sense to you (why did I choose to join this community?). I’m not even attempting to build any counterarguments because the responses I’ve gotten don’t even attempt to understand what I’ve said in the beginning. To be utterly frank I just lack respect for people who think of themselves as any flavour of anarchist while still dreaming of a system as thoroughly rigid as the artificially created Internet. You pretend to hate the system while desperately trying to invent excuses for continuing to make yourself at home within it.
I don’t need to excuse your imagination.
Because people aren’t one dimensional objects.
Do you think Capitalists designed hardware, or Engineers?
I’m just gonna leave this quote as is, so you can think about it.
Same sort of deal as “anarcho-communist” operating systems. @@
No, it can run on many things, including open source collaborative hardware that exists
Please explain to me where this “open source collaborative” Internet hardware is on which you run your bitcoin network.
It’s actually a really good analogy, because it can only run on fully-capitalist hardware.
Copy/paste someone else’s code into your own project then play games/watch anime for a while.
potentially harmful
Oh for fuck sake. No, failing to give a voice to the hypochondriacs who bleat about every medical condition under the sun in any random social media thread isn’t “potentially harmful” by any stretch of the imagination. Frankly, constantly obsessing over such things is itself causing harm.
All of it, because apparently humans were wholly unprepared for using computer technology responsibly.
The thing is that words can have a very broad range of meaning depending on who uses them and how (among many other factors), but you can’t accurately code all of that into a form that computers can understand. Even ignoring bad actors it makes certain things very difficult, like if you ever want to search for something that just happens to share words with something completely different which is very popular.