How bout the poor people that relay on their cars to live and also have little to begin with. They suffer just as much as any others but go on on your fucking high horse im sure those who live in 3rd world countries really effected by climate change are sooooo thankful they have a shitstain like you cheering for the struggle of other working class individuals, you unemphatic virtue signaling sack of shit. The corporations that actually contribute the majority to climate change sure love shitheads like you.
Yes because fucking surely having higher insurance to bleed even more money from the working class before implementing proper public transport is surely the right fucking way to go about it. Ill make sure to tell the mother of 3 living out of her camper she should be grateful for what she has because comparatively someone in a third world country has it worse. really love the sweatshop comparison and how it doesnt make any fucking sense to the situation well done fuck face.