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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 25th, 2023

  • ‘Programming from the ground up’ the main idea of this one is to teach programming in a bottom up way, so very low level.

    it’s mostly about teaching (linux) assembly to beginners, so in a way it is just learning a new language. But it’s mainly about understanding low level how a computer works, like registers, kernel calls, how function calls are handled, all for beginners. It’s really easy to pick up.

    Knowing those fundamentals can go a long way in understanding other computing concepts.

    Others that come to mind are :

    • Designing Data-Intensive Applications: The Big Ideas Behind Reliable, Scalable, and Maintainable Systems
    • A Philosophy of Software Design
    • Software Architecture: The Hard Parts"

  • there’s a lot of stuff you can do, and you can end up with something usable, though not great, at least not in my experience. NVidia’s drivers are to blame, they don’t really work well with opengl and have lots of issues (and also regressions).

    The 550 beta driver is ok-ish, steam flickers but I can play games. Drivers before 535 also somewhat worked, though it really depends on your GPU.

    But I don’t think you will have it working acceptably without some work.

    Here’s some pointers on stuff to try:

    • check protondb for how other people got games to work, you can filter by your GPU.
    • try running through gamescope or gamemoderun
    • try the modeset=1 (and maybe fbdev) kernel parameters for nvidia drm
    • and there’s tons of env vars and other things that can help, I couldn’t summarize them all here, but as a pointer: XWAYLAND_NO_GLAMOR=1, WLR_RENDERER=vulkan, LIBVA_DRIVER_NAME=nvidia, GBM_BACKEND=nvidia-drm (for the drm above), __GLX_VENDOR_LIBRARY_NAME=nvidia
    • try the beta drivers, if those are available somehow (I’m on arch so they were easy to install), or just different driver versions in general.

    The above is meant more as hints than something to copy paste, so use at your own risk. You can of course always just install a second DE with X11 and log into that for gaming and use your regular DE for everything else

  • I think it’s for many different reasons, but a bit the same as everywhere. Some are protest votes due to a distrust in government in general, then 35-45 is the age most get kids and in contrast to their parents generation they live in apartments, not single family homes, as houses aren’t affordable. Then there’s the general widening of the wealth gap and the populists pretending they have a solution and blaming it on immigration (while themselves being a big reason for the problem in the first place…), while left parties often get tricked into reacting to right rhetoric, letting the right dictate the discussion. Old people are less affected by the wealth gap, young people don’t have kids so they don’t notice yet. And in it’s also a question of mobilizing ones base, the right parties get a ton of money for ads and so on, they are good at stirring up fears of existential threats(which is ironic given the real existential threat of climate change), while a lot of people are disillusioned, so middle aged left voters are less likely to actually go vote whereas more right voters do. Of course <30 voters worry more about climate change and are more motivated to go vote, since they’ll be the most affected by its effects.

    I’m sure there’s many more reasons but these are the first ones I can think of off the top of my head.

  • Oh don’t get wrong, it works fine for comics. the small screen and having to move around whole pages, and sometimes struggling to read small writing are issues (you can zoom but it’s not very responsive) aren’t great, but I’ve read many a comic. But if comics are the main use case, I’d probably go for a tablet still. If you get one for books solely, then the color one has less DPI and more ghosting, that’s why I wouldn’t recommend it.

    And I don’t use the color feature much outside of reading comics. I thought it might be nice for color diagrams for work, but it’s a bit hard telling the colors apart when it’s just thin lines.

    But I’m super stoked for where the color e-ink technology is heading.

    I mostly used the stock boox neo reader for comics and didn’t have an issue with ram. Do you know how it compares to Tachiyomi?

  • This would be trivial in python with something like

    from typing import overload
    from enum import Enum
    def hash(password: str, algorithm: BCryptAlgorithm, options: BCryptOptions):
    def hash(password: str, algorithm: Argon2Algorithm, options: Argon2Options):
    def hash(password: str, algorithm, options):

    Of course it’s python, so at runtime it wouldn’t matter, but the static type checker would complain if you called hash with BCryptAlgorithm and Argon2Options. You could also have it return different types based on the arguments and then in call sites it’d know which type will be returned based on the type of the arguments. And only the last function has am implementation, the @overload ones are just type signatures.

    It’s documented here.