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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 7th, 2023


  • The rural population isn’t the issue, it’s suburbia which is where the majority of the US population lives.

    It’s not dense enough for public transportation to be viable and it’s zoned in a way that makes pedestrian traffic a non starter.

    Suburbia causes a lot of problems. I understand why it exists - owning a house with a yard is nice. I personally wouldn’t want to give that up to live in an urban environment if I didn’t have to

  • You know, there was a girl I was chatting with once. She suggests we get lunch, then calls it off last minute.

    A few days later she complains about some guy she likes who stood her up for lunch that lives near me.

    Then she just ghosted me.

    I’ve always wondered if she meant me and the whole thing was her miscommunicating and then trying to be coy and indirect.

  • It was all part of an effort to economically hurt Russia in response to the war.

    Best case scenario was Russia deciding the hit to their economy was not worth the war and back pedaling. No one realistically thought this was going to happen though.

    The next best case scenario was for the changes in quality of life for the average Russian would create enough internal pressure that the war would be called off.

    This hasn’t happened yet but internal support for the war has been dropping over the last year and some of that is attributed to the dismal state of the Russian economy, which is a direct result of things like Lush pulling out.


    And even if neither of these come up fruition, the more Russias economy is damaged the harder it is to fund their war effort. This gives Ukraine a bit more breathing room in their war effort.

    While the effect of a single company like Lush is unnoticed, it’s the collective effect of everything from these pullouts, to trade sanctions and other soft power diplomatic plays which total up to a noticable effect.