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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 10th, 2023


  • As a Californian, do not look to our state for police reform. IMO the best example is Colorado removing qualified immunity. Discipline doesn’t work and the system refuses to jail their own, so you gotta hit them financially. Bankrupting shitty little town police forces either forces reform or kicks authority up to the state, which is more regimented in its regulation. Either way it’s putting bad cops out of a job.

    Honestly legal immunity needs to go as a concept. It might be annoying for judges to fight off lawsuits, but fuckem. They’re paid damn well and they have the time. Judges are public servants, not public sovereigns. Some of them need to be reminded of this fact, and lawsuits are a good way of opening crusty conservative eyes. And the entire civil suit system needs to be simplified into plain English so that the average citizen can use it. This legalese fuckery was designed from the start to disadvantage uneducated people. That’s downright un-American. The ruling class has forgotten that this is the land of the free, not the land of the fee.

  • Then he turns around and tithes to one of the most socially backwards, openly corrupt churches to be formed in the last 200 years.

    If that wasn’t bad enough, he scammed the community into backing a 43 million dollar kickstarter for an exclusive, never-to-be-released-on-audible project. Not even a year after release, he reverses completely and releases everything to audible without even a credit to the backers.

    Absolute scam artist. I’m 85% convinced he’s gonna come out with a Salt Lake City “creativity compound” where he’s got a 20 cell sweatshop of indentured “employees” pumping out cosmere drafts. Dude has had creepy Cosby vibes for years and there’s definitely a reason somewhere.