• 9 Posts
Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: May 7th, 2024


  • There was a thing he said back in the early 2000s, and it was leaked around the 2016 election. He was talking about women, and said something to the effect of “When you’re rich, and famous, they let you grab em by their pussy”.

    People at the time were angry that his views were that, but, honestly, that’s the life he’s lived. That’s the life he knows as reality. WE see it as disgusting, because he’s saying that women can be treated as sex objects, and that he’s ok with that. He see’s it as just the world we live in, because women approach him and treat THEMSELVES as sex objects. Those are the women that approach him, so that’s the experience he has with women. Women who only want him for his money.

    And now we see it even applies to the courts. Maybe we should still be mad at him for having those views, but also understand why he has those views, and start holding society accountable. Maybe we should be angry at parents who don’t teach their daughters to have more self respect than to find some rich guy to bang for money.

    Because at the end of the day, all trump is saying is “I get treated differently, because I’m rich.”

    And as angering as that is to hear…he’s not wrong. He’s just an asshole.

  • This isn’t unpopular…this is just facts. Youtube celebrities are just celebrities with a much lower ceiling of celebrity.

    They come in, they’re popular, they get views, and then they’re gone with nobody remembering who they are. I assume my niece, who is 13, knows who Tom Hanks is. I’m unclear if she’s ever seen his movies, but I would feel confident that she knows who he is. When you think about it, Tom Hanks hasn’t had any big movies the past 10 years. But the movies he is known for are generally classics.

    Now compare that with the annoying orange, or “HEEEY IT’S FREEEDDDDDD”. I assume she’d look at me with a tilted head if I asked her about them. Technically she was alive for them, but she was probably still in diapers. And they’ve left no lasting impression on pop culture.

    But all this drama on social media? Yeah…it’s the same thing. Just the same as two popular in their school 6th graders having drama. Sure, they’re popular in their school, but do you think anyone outside that school cares what Josh and Edward are beefing about?

    Same concept, even smaller ceiling for celebrity.

  • I’ve been trying to understand linux that way for 10 years. The problem is the tutorials will say “do this and this, and this, and this”. I’ll get maybe 30% through the tutorial, and get an error. But the tutorial didn’t account for an error. So I google the error, and find 10 different pages all telling me to do 10 different things.

    But in doing 7 of those things, I screw 3 more things up because I don’t know what those things did. Or I did them wrong. And now I have 8 problems instead of 1.

    Sometimes you just need a human teacher who knows what they’re doing. It’s like learning to cook, but not having taste buds. You can be told to add salt, but if you don’t know what salt does, or why you’re adding it, you might add too much, or not enough, or at the wrong time. But if a human teacher can explain what you’re doing, and what it does, and why it does that, THEN you might learn.

  • Because nobody understands everything, but our individual areas of expertise vary from person to person. So you seek help on the things that confuse you.

    There have been some helpful people in this thread. You’re not one of them. Instead you’re displaying the same attributes that take the most open and free operating system, and give it the reputation as being closed gated.

    It would be like a mechanic rolling his eyes at you for not knowing how to replace a muffler, or change your own oil.

  • As others said, use a pre built distro + DE environment, especially if you don’t really know what you do. Another thing that I’d recommend: a distro that be backed up easily. So you can tinker and start over, if necessary.

    homer simpson voice Ooooooo! Expain how!

    Hopefully, if I keep my installation small, and my game roms on a different partition, I can just stick a USB stick in, and backup before I do anything stupid. Then if I break it, I can reflash the first partition from my USB backup, and my rom files partition won’t be affected, since they were never the problem.

  • :D

    I wish the Lemmy search could search inside your brain. When I get home, I’m going to try this. And assuming it doesn’t give me 50 million errors (or…even 1 error, as I don’t know what I’m doing), then this seems like a really easy thing to do. Now if something goes wrong…then I’m screwed. Most other people who use linux would be like “Oh, yeah, error 5227. Simple error. You just have to configure the combobulator, and process the hexagonal diagrams!”

    And I would be like “…do what now?”

    But as long as it’s just one simple copy/paste line in terminal…I SHOULD be fine…unless I’m not.

  • This is what I call the linux bubble. People who use linux and are used to alternate solutions, which may offer better performance than the norm. Then they surround themselves with other like minded people. So much so that they begin to forget that they are using alternatives rather than the norm. Despite what benefits they gain from alternatives, some people can’t grasp that they are, in fact, alternatives.

    Twitter has 368 million monthly users. I find it to be a cesspool of hate, racism, and right wing agenda.

    So you would think mastodon or bluesky would have equal or better numbers.

    Bluesky has 9.7 million monthly users, which includes a huge recent boost because of brazil ceasing twitters ability to operate. I think that alone was 2 million users.

    And mastodon has 975,000 monthly users.

    So yes, despite it’s flaws, twitter is still the default in microblogging. By a LOT. But I’m sure the feeling around here is “who still uses twitter???”.

    Everybody. Same way everybody uses google. Same way everybody uses instagram. And it’s not even close to being close.