This did little to convince me that timezones are an unnecessary construct. Pretty much every point made was done from the perspective of someone who had already decided their opinion rather than objectively weighing the pros and cons.
This did little to convince me that timezones are an unnecessary construct. Pretty much every point made was done from the perspective of someone who had already decided their opinion rather than objectively weighing the pros and cons.
As the great Frank Reynolds once said “Fill me up with cream, turn me into a cannoli, make a stew out of my ass. What’s the big deal? Bang me, eat me, grind me up into little pieces, throw me in the river. Who gives a shit? Ya dead, ya dead.”
If we want to start discussing the material processing effort then it’s going to be pretty hard to call any energy source carbon neutral. The concrete for dams and the steel for windmills don’t appear out of thin air.
This Arrested Development/Always Sunny cross over is exactly what I needed today, thank you both.
I was recently introduced to tasting history and it’s become the new obsession in our house. My wife even bought his cookbook.