Probably because they’re shifting development work to something else. Doing it this way and making it run offline frees up developers.
Cryptography nerd
Probably because they’re shifting development work to something else. Doing it this way and making it run offline frees up developers.
Yeah it sounds just like existing IME dead reckoning navigation, but with different sensor types
Also so many head photos taken from an angle right in front of the face or a bit higher, distorting the shoulders in ways you don’t notice but which matters when the algorithm tries to splice everything together into an averaged model
The main program is open, but the development tools are not
Besides all the other stuff mentioned, you can invite them to stuff occasionally and prepay everything. Make it a family event if you want to.
Plenty of family subscription services too (including for some of those your listed), although distance limits might come into play for some family subscriptions
Degree of certainty is the difference
You need to set up a publicly accessible device (in this case the VPS) as your IPv6 gateway
So you set up your VPN connecting your network to the VPS (should probably be set up from the router) and set your router to advertise an IP adress for the VPS which is routable from your local network as the gateway address (and should probably also run DHCPv6 for your network)
(note, I have not set up this stuff myself so I can’t help with implementation details)
And if you don’t know who owns it, leaving a note to ask is simple.
I’ve been the one to leave stuff out that I didn’t have space for anymore, with a note on that it’s free to take
Not everything is hooked up to that
With an automated refactoring step to pretend it’s really not derivative work despite being extremely derivative
In plenty of places, if you work with food and handle allergens then either you need to flag very visibly that you can’t guarantee separation of allergens, or you can be on the hook for accidents too.
Some dumb shit I see is setting SPF so Google is a trusted origin for email “to solve issues with sending to Gmail addresses” when what you’re supposed to do is add your mail servers as trusted origin.
Directionality, how does it work?
CF has multiple options, you can use them as just a load balancer/firewall while handling your own TLS cert. I think most let them hold the cert so they can get CF caching services though
Robots can definitely flip burgers.
Some can even do it twice!
Exclusively using Discord as a support channel should get you banned from the internet
A fake bitcoin wallet