Technology fan, Linux user, gamer, 3D animation hobbyist

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 24th, 2023


  • Probably better to ask on ! Ollama should be able to give you a decent LLM, and RAG (Retrieval Augmented Generation) will let it reference your dataset.

    The only issue is that you asked for a smart model, which usually means a larger one, plus the RAG portion consumes even more memory, which may be more than a typical laptop can handle. Smaller models have a higher tendency to hallucinate - produce incorrect answers.

    Short answer - yes, you can do it. It’s just a matter of how much RAM you have available and how long you’re willing to wait for an answer.

  • Static would definitely be easier. I finally got MediaWiki working but it’s really picky about what info I can enter and how I have to enter it. And if something goes wrong, it’ll be a pain to get everything installed and working again, even with backups.

    But Peertube was the main obstacle. Now that that’s done, I don’t think the website will be a big issue. The real issue is scanning thousands of photos, organizing them, and coming up with a privacy policy. I’ll probably have to require a login because people don’t want their photos out there exposed to the internet, but that’s a whole other can of worms.

    Just brainstorming here. Maybe I’ll store all the personal info in MySQL (which I’m pretty good at) and serve the individual pages with Joomla. Having all the info in a database will make it easier to migrate to whatever the next platform will be. And the only people listed on the site will be already dead, so that cuts down on privacy/identity theft issues.

    I’ve been dreading starting this project for over a year, but now that I’ve started, it’s not so bad - kind of fun, actually.

  • I may end up switching to something else. I’m doing a family history website, so MediaWiki seemed like a good choice because I like the Wikipedia style pages. But it’s been pretty difficult to work with so far.

    I had a course on Drupal and Joomla in college, maybe I’ll give those a try if Wiki doesn’t work out.

    Wordpress sounds good too - I’ve heard that’s the easiest to work with. Since this is a family history site, I’ve gotta think about the unlucky schmoe that has to take over this site once I kick the bucket.