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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023

  • The puzzling part is fun, because you are constantly learning new ways to use your body. See how to balance, how to move around, etc. I have found that dancing gives a similar learning challenge. Especially the more free-form dances like salsa and bachata. It’s fun learning new moves every week during the lesson, and then try to see if you can put them to practise during a party.

    And don’t worry about beeing to stiff. If you can balance around boulders, you can get your body to move around for dancing too. Just takes some practise. I currently do both, and feel like I lack dexterity more for the climbing than for the dancing.

    And unlike most of the hand-friendly options mentioned already, you do have to use your hands and arms a lot. Just not in a way that puts any stress on them.

  • Point 1 has to be chosen when the cat is young. Forcing an outside cat to suddenly only be inside often doesn’t work.

    I adopted a 7-year-old cat from the shelter, and after a week of having to be inside all the time, he got more and more frustrated. After a week and a half, he escaped during the night. In the morning, while I was panicking, he came strolling in as if nothing was wrong.

    Since he apparently comes back, I allowed him outside from then on. Since that moment, his behaviour inside has improved a lot. No more random play attacks on my ankles and hands, and generally much calmer.

    He has also come back home with mice several times. He always eats them. So I think he is very used to living outside. Maybe been a stray, or a farm cat.

    Forcing him to be inside would feel cruel.

  • I would drop any reflavouring in favour of making it fun to be a cook outside of combat.

    What does his character want to achieve? And what are his ideals? Then try to give him objectives to work towards.

    For example: his goal might be to find a fabled ingredient. You can then drop hints on where to find it. Or he might want to be the most renowned chef in the world, after which you insert a cooking competition that requires special ingredients (that just so happens to be found in the same dungeon the party was supposed to head to anyway).

    As for examples on ideals: Feed anyone that is hungry (without harming them via the food). Try to cook/eat anything (causing them to want to hunt/gsther stuff. Never use your hands to fight, to keep them clean for cooking (might need some reflavouring of abilities).

    These examples make, that his cooking gives his character a reason to do things, rather then just be the thing he does.

    Neither of you will remember how many dice were used to slay that monster. But the memory of how his character sliced up the monster for ingredients, only for some treasure or quest item to pop out of the belly, will certainly remain.

  • What you are mentioning is forcing companies to comply when selling inside the EU or California. The EU does not force companies to comply with their specifications outside of the EU. Companies simply do so because it is convenient.

    The EU cannot decide how cars should be made that are sold in California. If they tried, I bet the US government would have something to say about it.

    What the EU can do, is exert influence to get other governments to adopt the same rules. This already happens with a lot of countries surrounding the EU. But asking another government to adopt rules, is wildly different from forcing companies to adhere to those rules inside the borders of another government.

  • Not entirely. There still exists trade agreements, and diplomatic pushback.

    Forcing companies to make products to a certain specification, would mean the EU is attempting to regulate other markets. Markets it has no direct governance over. While it may come from good intentions, it still invades the authonomy of the governments that should have governance over these markets.

    Much better would be to work together with other countries, and help these countries implement similar rules, and enforce them together. Like, pretty much that the EU is doing for its members in the first place.

  • In The Netherlands, the power grid has been turned into a different company than the power supply company. Same for gas and internet. The infrastructure companies are tightly regulated, to the point that they might as well be gpvernment branches. The providers however, are free to offer whatever.

    The result is healthy competition where possible, without any company gaining a monopoly position over the utilities of individuals.

    The drawback is that they figired out that the best way to make money, is of the backs of lazy people. People who don’t want to switch providers, cause that means effort. Hence, not actively looking for a better offer every few years is quite costly.

  • But I love coding at work?!

    The problem is that every living entity in a 10 kilometer radius around me, seems to be hellbent on getting me to do anything but coding. Refining work estimates, fixing badge access rights, fixing a driver issue, telling people that you cannot do 1000 things at the same time, teaching the new developer how shit (doesn’t) works, mangling Jenkins into a functional state again, explaning that thing I did a year ago but is only now used (it was very high prio a year ago), writing documentation that noboby ever reads, progress meetings, specialty group meetings, knowledge sharing meetings, company wide meetings, etc.