• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 9th, 2023


  • The main reason you would not smoke undried Cannabis is because it is hard to ignite. It certainly can be done though. Generally I would suggest using a vaporizer for fresh Cannabis though. The other reason is that the drying process causes the further oxidation of the trichome heads which increases the ratio of CBN to THC leading to a more balanced effect.

    fermenting sugars is not a chemical process, but a biological process

    If you’re going to be pedantic, at least be accurate. It certainly is a chemical process. That process is facilitated by biological organisms, and would therefore more aptly be called a biochemical process I suppose. Anyways, as riveting as this exchange has been, I think I’ve made my points effectively. Hopefully I have been able to shed some light on some layman’s Cannabis science for you. If you have any further questions feel free to ask. Always happy to help educate 👍

  • Which still makes no fucking sense considering that you do not “make” Cannabis. It is naturally occurring plant-life. There is an ADDITIONAL chemical process that is necessary to turn fruit into alcohol. While that fermentation process can occur without human intervention, it is still an additional process, which is not fundamentally necessary for Cannabis to be intoxicating…

    Last point, and yes it is nitpicky. Marijuana is really a pejorative piece of terminology, and is not taxinomically accurate.

  • Not all animals have the same type of endocannabinoid receptors as homosapiens. However, plenty of animals choose to consume Cannabis plants in nature where they are available, and have not been eradicated. I fail to see what any of this has to do with your initial point though. The process of drying Cannabis is not what “activates” THC. That process is called decarboxylation. I’m not aware of any animals that can get stoned simply by eating Cannabis before it has gone through the process of decarboxylation through heating. However, your initial statement was that Cannabis needed to go through some kind of specific process for it to produce THC in the same way that fruit must go through fermentation to produce alcohol. This is simply not the case. The process of selective breeding is what has increased the THC content of Cannabis, but even wild Cannabis plants contain a myriad of different cannabinoid compounds.

  • This was fantastic information. Thank you so much for taking the time to respond to my post, I sincerely appreciate it.

    I actually came from a previous retail background as well, and built a small business from 1 location making $1.5 million annually to four locations making $20 million annually in 6.5 years. The owner made the decision to sell the business after surviving all of the stress during COVID, and that is what started me back on my education journey.

    I developed basically every system in that business myself from the ground up, through blood sweat and tears. So for this next chapter of my life I am looking to take my career more in the tech mercenary direction for lack of a better term where I am out to focus on developing my own skills in order to live the life I want to live on my own terms as much as is reasonably possible.

    So, your advice really resonates with me, and was an extremely valuable addition to my thought process.

  • The single most insufferable person I have ever had the displeasure of hearing communicate verbally in my three decades of life on this planet.

    I’m not sure if you’re interested in the atheist debate sphere at all, if you are then you should give him a listen. He’s a Catholic apologist and presuppositionalist who debates on Discord.

    Be warned though, he is fucking awful. If you listen to him debate for more than 30 minutes in one sitting you’re liable to suffer psychological trauma. He’s that bad, not kidding.

  • You made a whataboutism argument that flagrantly flies in the face of the core point, which is that Israel’s government & military are currently controlled by a radical right wing, crypto-fascist, ethno-supremacist, and hyper-religious political party that has members who have OPENLY AND PUBLICLY SUPPORTED ETHNIC CLEANSING. Why you feel the need to counter that point with, but, but, but, IT’S NOT AS BAD AS MOSUL is truly just frustratingly stupid. I don’t support the mass killing of civilians in their own homeland anywhere in the world. Why is that so fucking hard to understand?

    the sentiments on this site are no longer representative of truth

    You are not the arbiter of truth.

    or popular opinion as dissent is being filtered out.

    The popularity of an idea has absolutely no bearing on its merits or validity.

  • You made a whataboutism argument that flagrantly flies in the face of the core point, which is that Israel’s government & military are currently controlled by a radical right wing, crypto-fascist, ethno-supremacist, and hyper-religious political party that has members who have OPENLY AND PUBLICLY SUPPORTED ETHNIC CLEANSING. Why you feel the need to counter that point with, but, but, but, IT’S NOT AS BAD AS MOSUL is truly just frustratingly stupid. I don’t support the mass killing of civilians in their own homeland anywhere in the world. Why is that so fucking hard to understand?

    the sentiments on this site are no longer representative of truth

    You are not the arbiter of truth.

    or popular opinion as dissent is being filtered out.

    The popularity of an idea has absolutely no bearing on its merits or validity.