Is this some contemporary soviet propaganda? I mean all the people who died for political reasons or because the state economy was mismanaged probably don’t care much about these achievements.
Is this some contemporary soviet propaganda? I mean all the people who died for political reasons or because the state economy was mismanaged probably don’t care much about these achievements.
Linux. Luckily we have such a great FLOSS kernel to free is from the Gates and the Jobs of this world.
I would propose creating a distributed hash table for this. But I would never host someone else’s data like this, because I’m too afraid they will give me encrypted illegal content and then some obscure law will give me the fault for it. This is just me though.
Yes. I mean, just because your stupid neighbour celebrates their birthday, it doesn’t mean you would stop celebrating your birthday just to be different.
Besides, it’s about time I check on my Vulcanus factory. I’ve been getting a bunch of alerts from there, so I sure hope nothing is disrupting my foundries…
Did that mean we will see Vulcanus enemies next FFF?
Sounds a lot like they tried to make a “game like dead space”. But then by trying to imitate that, they necessarily and almost predictably fell short behind the original.
I really hope that all Linux desktop software gets scaling support soon. Can’t live with only integer scaling increments
In Java you get a bunch of unexpected NullPointerExceptions instead…
They certainly do like to use the word “in” a lot.
Albert imposed some initial constraints: there should not be anything with fur, and then there should be no vertebrates.
Are they afraid of factorio furry art?
Yes. I really like this new design, where suddenly you can’t just surround yourself with solid walls and turrets and then are safe forever.
What kovarex controversy? Link? Context?
The real joke here is that after causing millions of pointless refactorings and rewrites, now finally the source book is affected as well.
It thinks that the guardian would have only medium credibility
You could also argue that he was hired for representation. The goal is not to get as many black women into power as possible, but to keep the congress diverse. So ideally, there would be half men, half women, some significant fraction black, and so on.
She could have picked another woman as a VP, and it would not have been too bad. But from a diversity perspective, it is better to represent more parts of the population in these positions.
I don’t see any issues with Firefox?
This graph gives me some Corona flashbacks.
At this time this may just have been considered porn, yes.