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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 27th, 2023


  • Do you realize how hard you deflect or is your normal MO just a constant red herring fishing expedition?

    I’m going to break this down in summary for the audience, then I’m disengaging to preserve my mental health.

    You: these people just want to live in Portland because it’s fun. They should move. Jobs are everywhere. I work from home.

    Me: that’s an awfully privileged thing to say (as in, jobs aren’t everywhere for everyone and not everyone can work from home, including the electrician husband in the article).

    You: The woman in the article is privileged too.

    Me: what does that matter?

    You: she could work from home like me.

    Like any of that has any bearing on anything. You’re just stretching hard to justify being judgmental and are cranking out bad faith arguments to support that.

  • Your response thread so far is

    1. “Nuh uh, you’re wrong!”
    2. “Your reading comprehension sucks!”
    3. Reiterating your previous response as you apparently can’t address my follow-up

    I was wrong previously: the only thing funnier than being lectured on reading comprehension by someone with poor reading comprehension is being corrected by someone who is adamant you’re wrong but can’t actually tell you why. Yet I’m the idiot here. 🙄

    Edit: I’m done responding to you as this is a colossal waste of my time and may be actively making me stupider, so feel free to have the last word.