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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 12th, 2023


  • First they take the dinglebop, then smooth it out with a bunch of shleem. The shleem is then repurposed for later batches. They take the dinglebop and push it through the grumbo. Where the fleeb is then rubbed against it. Its important that the fleeb is rubbed, because the fleeb has all the fleeb juice. Then a shlammie shows up and he rubs it and spits on it. They cut the fleeb. There are several hizzards in the way. The blamfs run against the trumbles and the ploobis and grumbo are shaved away. That leaves you with a regular old plumbus.

  • I see what you’re asking, and I agree if we’re going to prevent physical access to strip clubs by minors, it makes logical sense to take steps to prevent minors from accessing prurient content online as well.

    The question becomes the exact methodology used to achieve that. It’s the same basic premise of making encryption illegal: Are we willing to sacrifice our privacy in the name of “protecting the children”?

    Come up with another way to restrict access that doesn’t further encroach on privacy. I don’t have the answer for what that is, and it may not need to involve the government, but allowing them to put bills like this in place sets dangerous precedent. Once we relinquish power to the government, it’s damn near impossible to get it back.