• 6 Posts
Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: July 25th, 2024


  • Oh yeah, I’m sure any of these cases were someone stopping to hold an active shooter at gunpoint and that somehow working out for them. Or maybe they used their gun as a melee weapon. Or maybe the attackers were subdued by being talked down over their common love of guns. Or maybe the active shooter ran out of ammo and came up to the good guy with a gun to get some more, at which point the good guy revealed they were actually tricking them into lowering their guard and put them into a headlock. Or maybe some other far-fetched bullshit that’ll let me equivocate over the fact that “good guys with guns” don’t do shit in the grand scheme of things.

  • I’ve had a similar experience too. One time I couldn’t find my phone, so I start looking high and low. Not in my bedroom, not in the bathroom, the kitchen… At this point, I’m turning over every stone, looking through cabinets and drawers, running out to my car to see if it’s in there. Come back in and decide that it must’ve fallen under my bed and I just didn’t hear it. Can’t see under there really well, so I pull out the flashlight on my phone. Start looking under there, still not turning up. The panic is really starting to kick in.

    An embarrassing amount of time passes before I realize that I’m holding and using the thing I’m looking for.

  • Yeah, like I dunno, I think a lot of things I do by accident with my ADHD are super cool. But it definitely hurts more than it helps, and I don’t think that’s just because “we live in a society”. This post feels like huffing a suffocating dose of copium.

    • “Oh, sorry, I heard literally every word of what you just said, but my brain encoded nothing.”
    • “My sleep schedule is casually off by like five hours because I lost track of time hyperfocusing on learning about competitive Jenga until 4 AM.”
    • “I know I could have been doing things, but I had this thing I needed to be at in 8 hours, so I just couldn’t focus on them.”
    • “I either lose everything or create an intricate, tedious framework for where I keep everything at all times.”
    • “I struggle immensely to cope with stress in a healthy way and have issues with my temper.”
    • “If I can focus at all, it will be on exactly one thing, either for unhealthily long periods of time to the detriment of everything else or for so briefly that I accomplish nothing before moving on to the next dopamine rush.”
    • “I have a much higher risk of substance abuse because my body is starving for dopamine.”
    • “I have trouble keeping promises I’ve made to other people because they vanish out of my mind.”
    • “I constantly miss small details and need to quintuple check everything I do.”
    • “My priorities are constantly fucked, and I consistently put off everything until the last minute.”
    • “It often feels physically painful for me to focus when it’s not on the first thing my brain decides it wants to do.”