Don Bluth def a furry
Don Bluth def a furry
For using a park toilet, I was instructed to always raise then slam the seat down for reasons
I suspect collusion with certain gnomes with a definite profit motive
Spiderpants. Spiderpants. Does a little spiderpants dance.
You got a lot of debunk in your trunk
Don’t buy the cow if you’re lactose intolerant.
“It belongs in a museum!”
Filled in rectangles are so cold and impersonal. The scribbles are organic and remind me I need to brush my hair. Who cares if someone reverse engineers OP’s mom’s name?
Pronouncing realtor like “real-uhh-torrrrr”
'Should of" instead of “should’ve”
Don’t leave us hanging! Finish the story! Please let the person that said “it is what it is” die a gruesome, dark, and slow death. But not me because I didn’t really say it… I was quoting, and that doesn’t count.
Now do one where Trump’s a centaur being ridden hard by Putin. Or the old two-person horse costume with Trump in the ass. No pun intended.
Très jolie!
I may be wrong but I recall the twin towers had a central spine that was the load bearing component like a tree or something. Older buildings had a frame and load bearing exterior with a soft, gooey center.
No shit? That’s a whole-ass mf chicken on there?
8.1 was a lot more different under the hood than it appeared. It was much more than a tweak or a patch. I’ve always felt like it was more of a Windows 9 with a retro 8 theme.
Anyone else read this in Tuvok’s voice? This might handle a lot of the GUI in combination with some scripting and a few other bits tossed in the mix.
But mostly came to demand cat tax!
Used to be horizontal until some weirdo decided they wanted to use front legs to carry their car keys and guns. Imagine doing a wheelie on your motorcycle (not mine!) all the time because you think you can see better that way and don’t like SUVs.
The strap-on dildos came (snicker) later with Sens8, from the same creators…