Either Russia pays better or they’re just holding out hope that being contrarian to Democrats, regardless of the issue, will win them another term.
Eh, more like Trekkies are techies. I would consider myself somewhat of a techie, definitely nerdy, and very much into sci-fi, but I really don’t give a shit about Star Trek. I’ve seen a lot of it, just because I’ve had a couple girlfriends that really enjoyed it, but otherwise I probably wouldn’t have watched any after my childhood.
Now, if HBO were to do a hard R version, I’d probably get into it.
Dude. This is 2023. I’m sure they’ve already got a translator app that flips the words for them.
You really need to read more and gain yourself some perspective on the way corporations are now structured to drain any and all value from users/customers and funnel it to (mainly the majority) shareholders, using any tactics that they Believe they can legally get away with. This includes lobbying (re: bribery) for legislation and/or legal decisions that work in their favor.
Why the shift, all of a sudden, from many news outlets to “Hamas-run health ministry”?
This is actually what I expect the law enforcement NPCs in games like Thief and Cyberpunk to sound like.
They’ll just start releasing one episode a week.
Was it not her in the truck then? I thought the family had positively identified her by her tattoos.Though, you really can’t see much of them in the video that went viral.
Linkypoo for those of us who might want one too?
True. And that hasn’t changed either.
Figures. I knew something had to be going on with employee treatment. Every time I go in there it’s nearly an entire different crew.
We don’t have either of those in my area, unfortunately. Trader Joe’s is pretty awesome, but even they have some fucky sourcing and, at least at the one here, a really high turnover rate for employees.
They also fought against tighter regulation and labeling of organic and GMO products.
It’s Amazon/Whole Foods’ policies that lead to charging such ridiculous prices for their items. You are the same, even if you don’t realize it.
Ate you my 6 year old son?
At least in the US, funeral directors are often also embalmers.
Came here to say deathcare. Especially those without a degree or license.
Why the fuck would you hang out at WinCo foods in the middle of the night. Just get a fucking graveyard shift job.
Don’t get a jeep! Ours developed a heart defect 2 weeks before we paid it off. Turns out, it’s a known issue that Jeep just doesn’t care about addressing because “loyal” owners will just replace it (meaning the whole engine), and often do.
Care to remind us?