I think this community is doing a pretty great job in their search for stupid questions.
I think this community is doing a pretty great job in their search for stupid questions.
Yang has never held office. I don’t think he has any business in the highest levels of politics. He doesn’t even know what he doesn’t know.
I don’t want a lower file size. I’ll take quality any day. I just didn’t want to wait for my poor mobile connection to load it this time.
I’ll imagine it. /s
Just write the URL down on a piece of paper. Break it out when you have some time to kill.
I’ve never heard of this, and thought you made it up at first.
They don’t actually want to know the answer. Their just high roading everyone about not visiting YouTube.
I bet doctors need to retrain and recertify too.
I don’t think the phrase “today I learned” implies truth. OP just learned lies today. /s
Probably the Linux kernel, bootloader, and systemd.
Are new releases considered retro gaming? Not trying to be an ass. It’s just something I’ve been thinking about for the past few days.
I bought Sticker Star real excited for Paper Mario, and hated it. Every attack is a consumable item? No thanks.
Retro. :| I was excited to showcase what little knowledge I remember from Maximum Carnage. And it was Spiderman 2. I guess I’ll just die now.
That’s a lot of jpeg. Great comic, thought. Love poorly drawn lines.
I feel the same way about breast milk. From a glass? No thank you. From the tap? Yes please.
Democrats have been playing by the rules and norms for far too long. Norms only matter if both teams follow them. Same thing with the rules. If Republicans will change the rules so that they win Democrats have to follow suit or make it illegal. When one side plays dirty, the other can either play dirty or lose. Moral high ground gains us nothing.
Yeah. Seems like a waste of effort to me. If they’re scraping movies and books illegally then you aren’t gonna stop em with a link at the bottom of a comment.
+1 for Anathem. Such a good book. It has about 5 different parts where I thought, “remember when this book was about blank.”