We can’t afford to be neutral on a moving train.
Now playing Deer Dance by System of a Down
We can’t afford to be neutral on a moving train.
Now playing Deer Dance by System of a Down
Won’t the nearest black person do? Oh yeah, the high definition cameras.
I bet the boys in blue long for the good old days…
This “suspect” is a chew toy to distract the public while the NYPD get to the important work of crafting their speech for the next press conference that they cannot find the killer.
Taco bells bean burrito put inside a soft potato taco
A Limited Liability Corporation
How does your 20% compare to other nations?
How are you going to grow the user base without including the normies?
I wonder who works in the cartel’s IT department.
Pile of cardboard at work because I was pulling 90 hour weeks and I had to work in like 5 hours at the end of my previous shift and I figured the extra time spent traveling home was better spent sleeping.
Psychedelics, weed, alcohol (willing to quit alcohol but it’s always a bad week to quit drinking)
I just want people to be able to be who/what they want and thrive.
End the war on drugs cause I want to be high as hell.
The revolution will not have a channel on youtube.
Self defense
I’m going to turn it into pennies and drop pennies everywhere I go.
Just because you put a question mark at the end doesn’t mean that its a question.
Capitalism is the most efficient way to allocate resources. (to the top)
Or a journalist who was covering the genocide in gaza