I did something similar with a troll on a popular forum. He kept saying he was going to find me and stab me. Knowing he had no way of actually locating me I gave him a Police HQ and said “pop in any time!”
Yeah, what else were they going to pay with? Theme park tokens?
There are 2 main charities near me, both train people to fix bikes, one trains local school kids how to ride. I’ve just filled a shoe box with lights and spare parts, and sorted out a bin bags worth of clothes I no longer need. I’ve yet to find time but will look over the 2 bikes and make a decision soon. I’ll be a bit sad to see them go, one of them I did up to 10,000 miles on over the years I used it.
Yeah thats fucked too. I always deleted my listings. I certainly deleted the last one. Laptop still has the bruises, LOL!
Yeah the collectables and comics thing is a bit cruel. As you say these people are only going to sell it on ebay and try and make profit.
Had a workmate with a situation like that. Tried to get rid of the child’s bed as it was too small. Stated no car but still had people with “cant you deliver??!”
Those were literally all the replies I got.
Western Union used to be the scammers choice down here …I know of one old dear, now sadly passed, who lost a lot of money through that.
I did wonder at the time if they were bots, but some seemed engaged in posts about local subjects so I assumed they were real people.
You know Godalming never existed, it was a Government fake town to hide the UFOs…
Colonized me, Daddy. 🤣
King? He’s still a boy. 😉
Leave and set up our own inferior website?
The English version of the popcorn bucket trick…
TB I kind of regret it a bit. I probably subjected the postman and low paid staff to it more than the people responsible.
Every week I used to get spammy, trashy letters from a credit card firm. I had no desire to have one of their 40% APR cards. 52 letters a year. Got a bit sick of it in the end and noticed prepaid envelopes in there so started filling them with prawns and banana peel. The envelope was the type that takes over a week in the UK mail, so by the time they got them back they were rancid. After a while the letters stopped dont know if it was due to my effort or not.
If they’re taking money and you cant cancel easily complain to your bank. Banks can sometimes escalate things, block payments etc.
In our case the secret was not to leave it on the boiler until all the water had evapourated,
Doesnt work with community posts on Youtube!