• 4 Posts
Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: January 12th, 2024


  • Last concert I brought ear plugs for the first time and still heard the music perfectly fine. They were made for this exact purpose to be fair, but I’m never going without again. There seems to be a history of deafness in my family so might as well protect what’s left of my hearing while I can. I felt a little self-conscious, but at least I wasn’t the only one, so maybe the idea is becoming less controversial?

    But still, I disagree with you (so going to up vote lol). I think I prefer they stay loud but we just encourage people to wear ear plugs. That way, when I sit as far back as I did this last time, it still feels like I’m right there in the middle of it.

  • See, I wasn’t really sure, but I think this thread has helped convince me that it’s probably okay. I was for sex work before, but then I had heard that countries with more lax sex work laws had more human trafficking. But that might just be a result of work in our moder capitalist hellscape. Part of me thinks sex work should be illegal until capitalist is abolished, but part of that is probably just some ingrained puritan attitudes of sex and personal philosophy about its intimacy. It doesn’t mean the state should ban people from selling it and it doesn’t mean I have to partake if it’s legal.

    I’ll probably keep reading this thread to evolve my attitudes on the subject more, but thanks everyone for the interesting comments on a subject I don’t think about much (sex work… Sex itself I think about all the time lol).